Ning-Cheng Lee: Distinguished Author and Distinguished Lecturer
Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee was recognized recently by two highly respected industry organizations as both a Distinguished Author and Distinguished Lecturer.
SMTA International has selected Dr. Lee as a Distinguished Author by "Special Invitation from the SMTA International Technical Committee". Ning-Cheng was selected from authors of exceptional papers and "Best of Conference" award recipients from past events. This honor is part of the SMTA's 25th Anniversary celebration.
In addition, the IEEE's Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society (CPMT) approved Dr. Lee to be a CPMT Distinguished Lecturer. According to the director for the CPMT Distinguished Lecturer Program, Dr. Lee was nominated and endorsed by several colleagues from the industry. The CPMT Distinguished Lecturer program includes "Fellow Caliber" technologists from all over the world who are available for any CPMT-sponsored venue. The CPMT is the leading international forum for scientists and engineers engaged in the research, design and development of revolutionary advances in microsystems packaging and manufacture.
Please join in offering your congratulations to Dr. Lee by adding your comment below.
Dr. Ron