If you deal with indium, this is a book for you. “Phase Diagrams of Indium Alloys and Their Engineering Applications” has information about pure indium and indium alloys. The information is scientific enough for a deep metallurgical knowledge of each system, although you don’t need to be a metallurgist to gleam a few new things from it. This specialty book may be the #1 authority on indium alloys, here is a list of the alloy systems covered:
Ag-In, Al-In, As-In, Au-In, B-In, Ba-In, Be-In, Bi-In, Br-In, C-In, Ca-In, Cd-In, Ce-In, Cl-In, Co-In, Cr-In, Cs-In, Cu-In, Dy-In, Er-In, Eu-In, F-In, Fe-In, Ga-In, Gd-In, Ge-In, H-In, Hf-In, Hg-In, Ho-In, I-In, In-Ir, In-K, In-La, In-Li, In-Lu, In-Mg, In-Mn, In-Mo, In-N, In-Na, In-Nb, In-Nd, In-Ni, In-O, In-Os, In-P, In-Pb, In-Pd, In-Pm, In-Pr, In-Pt, In-Pu, In-Rb, In-Re, In-Rh, In-Ru, In-S, In-Sb, In-Sc, In-Se, In-Si, In-Sm, In-Sn, In-Sr, In-Ta, In-Tb, In-Te, In-Th, In-Ti, In-Tl, In-Tm, In-U, In-V, In-W, In-Y, In-Yb, In-Zn, In-Zr
You’ll also find these 3-part systems:
Ag-Cu-In, Ag-Ga-In, As-Ga-In, As-In-Sb, Bi-Cd-In, Bi-In-Pb, Bi-In-Sn, Cd-In-Sn, Cd-In-Zn, Cu-In-Ni, Cu-In-Se, Cu-In-Te, Ga-In-P, Ga-In-Sb, Ge-In-Zn, In-P-Sb, In-Pb-Sn, In-Sn-Zn