Indium Blog

讓博客上升一個台階 “Posts that Take Your Blog to the Next Level”

  • Indium Corporation

  • 公司的Rick Short 分享了一篇很有意思的blog, 是說如何讓你的“公司博客(Corporate Blog)”上升一個台階的,作者是Alli.




    1Event Coverage



    Booths at an industry event for my video game blog



    You need to be going to the major events in your niche. Not only is this a great way to network, but readers who can’t go to these event love to hear about the booths, keynotes, and after-parties. Make your readers feel like they were there too, and take advantage of the opportunity to be first to report on stories when industry news is announced at the events. Otherwise, you probably wouldn’t have the opportunity to be first. Remember, others in your industry are also posting about the event, so entice readers to check out your blog by putting a unique spin on every post you write.



    行業的活動報道。確實啊,雖然參加展會有點勞頓,但是有哪一次相關的行業展會我沒有參加了,心中也會有點“淒淒然”的感覺;等參加的同事們回來了,我自己也爭看相片,到處打聽最新動向。如果在好的展會上,縱觀整個大行業的商傢,客戶,新產品新技術新動向,用心的話還是能認識不少人,了解不少東西的。將心比心,沒有去的同行們,也很希望了解最近最新的信息。那麽關於行業的主要活動的及時blog post, 也很會有吸引力的。想想以前自己post的展會blog, 雖然也寫了不少“大事件”, APEX, SMTAI, SNEC, Nepcon China,  但是起碼在及時性上,我應該還是有大大的空間要提高啊! 






    Many new bloggers and even some established bloggers don’t do reviews simply because they aren’t offered products. While it is nice to get freebies, the lack thereof shouldn’t stop you from posting reviews on items and services you were going to buy anyway. Doing reviews is a great way to establish relationships with companies in your niche, and if you write a good piece, even if it isn’t positive, the company is more likely to contact you with free products in the future to review.



    Don’t forget that you can ask for products to review, too. The worst a company can say is no, and many companies will gladly send you product samples in exchange for your promotion. All you have to do is ask. Going back to my previous point, events are a great place to ask for samples to review. Company employees are usually authorized to give away x-number of their products at industry events, so you can score some major swag in exchange for reviews if you just ask. It’s also a lot harder for people to say no to your face!



    產品預告。這點我可做得不着調了。 雖然平時我有在blog裏面關注和介紹Indium的產品和新技術,但是沒怎麽介紹co-supplier的東西,像什麽printer, reflow oven,, stencil, clean water, component, 等等。根源在於自己的了解認識少,不懂也就寫不出(或者從來沒有想過要寫)東西了。下回展會上,我要更加用心,多了解了。其實競爭對少的產品,我們倒是沒有少關注。但這裡畢竟是公司博客,不適合寫。  



    3Personal Stories



    Believe it or not, people really do want to hear about your life. Stick to topics related to your niche, but don’t be afraid to tell your readers about your day or share a story from your childhood. It makes us all feel more connected. Even if you have an “about” page that shares your blogging journey, dish a little from time to time to keep us interested. Remember, people don’t just visit your blog to get information; people visit your blog to get information from you. If we feel like we’re emotionally invested in your life, we’ll come back, the same way people watch soap operas every single day.



    個人故事:從寫博客人的角度講,這是叫做“個性化personality, 這也是Rick Short 很久以前寫博客“4P理論”(Passion, Points, Persistence, Personality)的最後一個。從讀者的角度講,我們每個人多多少少都有“好奇心”。 我喜歡在post後面加一個“PS:”,當作是題外話,也是和大家分享個人故事的小角落吧。正文後面的“PS”全稱應該是”Post Script”,哈哈,看來和這個”Personal Stories”不謀而合了。






    Pic: Alli’s  “Booths at an industry event from my video game blog”