I am proud of a recent Marcom development executed by the Indium team. I want to use this space to thank each and everyone involved for their contribution.
It was a long, hard road that could only be traveled using vision, teamwork, and dedication. It involved people within and adjacent to our company (co-suppliers, co-vendors, partners, customers, etc.), and it required the input of a multitude of departments. It even took the support of a talented technical illustrator to help convey the message.
Bottomline: Indium Corporation's Tech Service, Sales, and R&D teams worked with customers and co-suppliers to optimize an assembly process called PIP+ that can eliminate our customers'need for a challenging production process step. The potential benefit to electronics assemblers was so compelling that SMT Magazine, an important and valued industry partner of ours, decided to make this message the cover story in their June 2005 issue. It will also be their cover story in their German and Chinese publications. The incredible illustrations we commissioned helped with that decision.
It is an awesome feeling being a part of such a powerful, collegial, and productive team. And seeing the fruits of our labor on the cover of one of the world's leading industry magazines makes it even more rewarding.
Yet another testament to teamwork and focus.