Indium-electroplated films have many industrial applications that take advantage of the unique physical and chemical properties of the indium metal, such as its low melting point, low vapor pressure, inherent softness and malleability, cold welding properties, anti-friction properties, and alloy hardening properties.

Indium Corporation is a developer, manufacturer, and global supplier of: specialty solders (including solder paste, preforms, spheres, columns, wire, tubing, ribbon, and foil), fluxes, electrically-conductive adhesives, inorganic compounds (including indium oxide, indium-tin oxide, indium hydroxide, and indium chloride), fusible alloys, indium-containing fabrications of all types, and pure indium (from commercial-grade through high-purity).

Inorganic Compounds
Indium Corporation sells compounds based on the elements indium, germanium, gallium, and tin.
These compounds are used in the manufacturing process of a number of high-tech devices, as these elements serve as crucial building blocks in semiconductor chips, electronic components, batteries, and other complex electronic products.

3D EZ Release™ Print Plate
Indium Corporation is introducing its patent pending 3D EZ Release™ system with a new build plate for metal 3D printing. Our 3D EZ Release™ print plates are geared towards the additive manufacturing technology used in powder bed fusion (PBF) printers. The 3D EZ Release™ print plate uses a low-melting point alloy in the top layer; this makes the post-print process for removing printed parts fast and easy. Separation is achieved by heating the parts using an oven or hot plate.

Indium Corporation is the world's premier supplier of commercial and high purity indium metal, germanium metal, gallium metal and tin metal.
From the mine to product packaging, we set the standard for the processing of indium, germanium, gallium and tin.
Quality is assured because we control the process from the very first step. Our products are used in the production of alkaline dry cell batteries, flat panel liquid crystal displays (LCD), optical fibers, photovoltaic devices, III-V compound semiconductors, and many more exciting products. Rigorous quality standards and advanced analytical instrumentation such as ICP and GDMS, insures consistent product quality lot to lot.

Indium Corporation manufactures NanoFoil®, a nanotechnology material that delivers energy in a controlled and precise manner for joining, energetics and heating applications.
NanoFoil® is a reactive multi-layer foil that provides instantaneous heat for a variety of applications in many industries (semiconductor, aerospace, automobile, electronics, biomedical and defense markets). NanoFoil® is a predictable, controllable and affordable material that is industry accepted and proven to lower manufacturing costs while providing repeatable and reliable bonds and reactions.

Although the practice of soldering has been around for thousands of years, current soldering processes are often state-of-the-art and require the best materials for consistent, reliable, and void-free solder joints.
Soldering is a process that creates electrical, mechanical, or thermal bonds using heat, filler material, and flux. The heat reflows the filler material and the flux cleans the oxides off the surfaces that will be joined together. Once the heat is removed, the solder solidifies to create a bond. Although this sounds simple, there are many things to consider when choosing the right materials for your process.

Thermal Interface Materials
The dissipation of heat is the key to maintaining longevity and reliability of semiconductor and power devices. Indium Corporation is a leader in the development of both solder and metal-based thermal interface materials (TIM) for a wide variety of applications.
All of our thermal interface materials are metal-based, which means they have a very high conductivity as compared to polymer-based thermal interface materials. Indium metal, for example, has a conductivity of 86W/mK and is 4 times softer than lead. Its ductility and thermal conductivity make it ideal as a compressible thermal interface material.

Silver Sintering
Indium Corporation’s silver sintering pastes are high metal-loading materials designed to fit easily into a dispense process with no change of deposition equipment. The pastes can also use fast “reflow-like” (RFL) sintering processes to form strong joints on many standard leadframe, DBC, and IPM pad finishes, and will bond strongly to die with Ag, Au, or Cu surfaces.
Solder and many standard epoxy-silver materials are proving increasingly unsuitable for many discrete and small module device applications. They may, for example, be incapable of surviving the ambient conditions seen from longer mission profiles for automotive applications. These mission profiles typically drive longer high-temperature operating life (HTOL) and larger temperature swings in usage (thermally cycling).