Tiger Woods And A B2B Marcom Lesson
As business to business marcom practitioners, we occasionally sponsor events and may even hire a spokesperson to help us promote our products and serv...
What Happens if US RoHS Happens?
The US House of Representatives bill H.R 2420, affectionately known as US RoHS, was introduced in May of 2009. From what I can tell,...
A Day in the Life of a Tech Guy
7:40am Just got in, fired up the laptop, and made some hot chocolate. This is the best time to get a......
Patty and The Professor Searching for Lost Profit
After just finishing her department’s monthly activity report, Patty took a break to stare out of her window, admiring the beauty of last night&...
Indium to Discuss Green Electronics Manufacturing
Register at GlobalSpec to see Andy Mackie, Jim Hisert and me discuss various aspects of Green Electronics Manufacturing. This live ev...
Read And Write Your Ass Off
Friend, fellow musician, and Online Strategist, Ryan Miller (Romanelli Communications) recently delivered an interesting and valuable s...
Social Media: Like Flying In Formation
As I left the house this morning I heard a Canada Goose honk while flying overhead. Instinctively, I wondered what it was doing alone. Ge...
RoHS to Ban All Halogens?
There is a proposal into the EU to add to the RoHS legislation by restricting all halogenated flame retardants. You can find that proposal...
Understanding Gold on Nickel
The use of gold layers deposited onto nickel is standard in many industries, from DRAM memory module edge connectors, to electrical test probe co...