Thermal Issues Uncovered in MacBook Air Overheating
Courtest of: Before I read this recent article about the MacBook Air, I envied those who were able to purchase one of......
Questioning "Advertising", Answer: "Promotions"
I have been putting some thought into "advertising" these days. My compulsion is the mix of annual budgeting time, cost-cutting (in this glo...
Step 2 to Consider When Designing a Trouble-Free Solder Joint
Once you have an understanding of the type of solder needed for an application, (a hard solder such as AuSn for reflow temperatures above 125&d...
Dioxin Scare Could Speed Halogen-Free Movement
In a CNN article today, it is reported that Ireland found “alarmingly high levels of dioxins” in their pork. Dioxins are a known carcinoge...
Pb-free Thermocouple Fix
A set of wires prepared for connection Properly joined thermocouple wires ......
Indium Supply and Sustainability
In many of the meetings I have had with customers or potential customers of indium material, I have been asked about the world supply of...
RoHS and WEEE Updates
WEEE RoHS Folks, Loyal reader Carl pointed out some proposed changes to WEEE/RoHS: 1. Medical and monitoring devices will be......
A Package-on-Package “How To”
A new tutorial on assembling package-on-package components is available. Click here for the PoP Guide and other application......