Another Example of Why RoHS is Needed
Folks, A recent CNN article tells a story that strongly argues for RoHS. The story discusses how electronic material that is recycled often ends up in...
Newest B2B Marcom Video Ad
Indium just released its newest video ad last week at PRODUCTRONICA (our industry’s largest exhibition). Once again, we humorously depict the ...
Shop Around for Your Interfaces
Designers are always seeking the latest and greatest performance material which will enhance the performance of their hot devices. Still they often ch...
Dr. Ron Writes "RoHS Eighteen Months Later" article for SMT
Folks, Read my RoHS Eighteen Months Later areticle in SMT online. Ever the optimist, I try to point out the good, balanced by the challenges. BTW...
It's Just a Beginning ...
Someone asked me to define the current state of the Solar Photovoltaic industry and I could think of two words evolving and explosive. These two words...
First RoHS Prosecutions, Governor Schwarzenegger Does not Sign California RoHS
Folks, The first prosecutions for RoHS violations have occurred. However the penalties were not severe. The article disclosing the details, suggests t...
Illegal Word of Mouth?
Attention all B2B Marcom practitioners. This is for real. According to an article appearing in "Nothing beats word ...