We are back today to finish our conversation with Miloš Lazić. If you missed the first three parts, feel free to jump back to the beginning here.
Jim: What interests you about this material set?
Miloš: My first experience with liquid metal happened when as a kid. I broke a thermometer and mercury was spread all over the place. I was amazed with the fact that metals can be liquid. And of course, Terminator II (Judgment day) with a robot made from liquid metal played a role as well in my interests in liquid metals. Seriously, it’s fascinating how gallium reacts with some metals. As we can see on the picture here, liquid metal (Indalloy#60) will flow along the grain boundaries of certain metals, creating a sponge-like structure of solid and liquid metal.
With these kind of properties, SLH (solid/liquid hybrid) materials can be a high quality TIMs for applications with highly demanding thermal dissipation needs.
Of course, there is only so much we can disclose about experimental materials before they are released - but if you think that you would like to explore some novel new TIM, you can contact Miloš and the Technical Support Team here: AskUs@Indium.com