I am occasionally asked about Indium's corporate blogging activities. Many of the questions are very general- probably since blogging is so new to many people. That's exactly how I got started - so I love those discussions.
I really enjoy the times when a fellow Marcom professional inquires as to WHY Indium is blogging, and WHAT the results are. This is when I learn a lot. I am consistently impressed by the professionalism, the knowledge, and the creativity that exists in the Marcom ranks. The questions they ask, the insight they offer, are truly valuable.
In general, Indium has two bloggers and one (hopefully) eventual blogger. Right now Dr. Lasky and I are blogging. Dr. Lee is looking over our shoulders - checking things out. Dr. Lasky blogs on topics related to Indium's customers. Therefore, he has twice as many visits to his blog as I do. He also gets the lion's share of questions and comments. The "professor" in him (did you know he is a professor at Dartmouth College?) enjoys these questions as they teach him what people are concerned with, and they allow him to share his knowledge. Since I blog on Marcom topics, I have less general interest from our customer base. Still, I get several comments and questions. It is always so helpful to listen to the viewers of indium.com.
Overall, the blogging activities are proving to be very valuable. Indium is able to utilize yet another platform to bring topics to the surface. And our readers are able to chime in, provide comments, etc. to bring their views to our attention. We do receive numerous comments and e-mails to our postings. Additionally, there are a surprising number of page views every month. People really seem interested in the blog topics - especially in Dr. Lasky's Pb-Free advice and insight.
So, we are pleasantly surprised, and are learning a lot. Just what we had hoped for.