Sinter material for power electronics - copper's time to shine?
In recent years, silver sinter materials have grown in popularity in power module assembly, especially for die attach......
In recent years, silver sinter materials have grown in popularity in power module assembly, especially for die attach......
Brook Sandy-Smith and Phil Zarrow define the meaning behind each character in a flux classification ...
Unlike the copper coupon test, which examines the corrosivity during and after the wave soldering process......
Folks, Pity the copper age smelter of 3000BC. He had to get his wood fire to 1085°C to smelt or melt copper, sometimes he couldn’t get...
Musings on Metals: Copper It could be argued that civilization began with the smelting of copper. Although thousands of years before, humans fir...
No one likes being controlled by the cost of silver. We deal with fluctuating Ag costs here at Indium Corporation on a very large scale – so I u...