Indium Blog

Experiencing The Indium Way

  • 2021 College Interns
  • Going into a new job, you never know what to expect. You worry about how you will perform, if the others will like you, and, most importantly, if you will fit in. Of course, these were my exact worries driving to Indium Corporation for my first day. But, it didn’t take me long to realize that this place is really special.

    The first day consisted of orientation and a chance to meet our supervisors. Already I had a very good feeling about being at Indium Corporation. However, the orientation was located at headquarters, which would not be my main facility. So, even though orientation went well, the first-day nerves were still very much there the next day when I went to the Clinton facility on Robinson Road. Luckily, these nerves didn’t last long as I was welcomed with open arms by my department and everyone else here.

    For the next ten weeks, I would work alongside the quality department under the supervision Quality Engineering Technician, Cliff Talbot, as a Flux Quality Intern. Cliff has been with the company for more than 7 years now. He started as a manufacturing technician in production, and then he pursued an opportunity to join the quality group.

    When asked about the culture at Indium Corporation, Cliff describes it using the Indium way. He says not only is there respect for each and every customer, but there is also respect between each and every coworker. This is something I have found to be true, even after being here for only 5 weeks. Regardless of my title as an intern, I am treated as if I am any other coworker, and I think that’s something that is hard to find with an internship.

    Cliff also mentions the appreciation the company has for its employees. He has referred to a few gestures, like Indium Corporation giving away event tickets, providing food events, and family tubing night. Even though COVID-19 is has put a halt on some of these activities, the company never stopped showing its appreciation. One of the biggest ways the interns experience this is through our weekly lunch and learns, which give us the opportunity to expand ourselves as both students and future employees. They also provide us with an amazing lunch and, more importantly, dessert!

    Finally, Cliff explains the culture through achievement. He says that as a company, we are always striving to do better, and that we are continuously making improvements so that the customers receive the best possible products and services. He even mentions how much the company has grown since he has been here. “Production levels are at an all-time high in many areas and, as a result, each department seems to have the highest headcount ever. Most manufacturing sites are also expanding and making changes to prepare for current and future growth.” At my facility, I have seen firsthand just a few of these changes being made, and it’s truly inspiring.

    I applied to Indium Corporation’s internship program because it seemed like a really good opportunity to learn and apply my current knowledge to a real-world application. The program has not only met my expectations, but has exceeded them. I've already experienced so many things that I can take with me and I know there are many more experiences to come. I look forward to the rest of the summer and my time here at Indium Corporation.


    Bailey Brennen