Indium Blog

My Biggest Take Away From College

  • 2019 College Interns
  • College is an awesome experience filled with learning, adventure, friendships, and so much more. However, one thing that seems to be scarce in college is time. Time is a precious commodity that disappears faster every year. For this reason, one of the most important skills to gain and retain within one's time at college is time management.

    College is not free, nor is it cheap. That said, I believe it is very important to take it seriously. Most students don’t have more than 16 hours a week of classes; this means most days they will have a lot of down time. It can be really easy to fall victim to the trap of saying “I will study later,” which often leads to studying being neglected or even forgotten. Having a strong daily and weekly schedule can help mitigate this problem.

    In order to obtain my current engineering internship at Indium Corporation, I had to use my time management skills. After all, applying for internships takes time! Cover letters have to be written, resumes need updating, and then you have to prepare for the interview. All this time that could be spent studying or working on other activities now has to be devoted to another task. I personally invested a lot of my time toward getting an internship because I knew how important it was. My achievements were only possible through good time management skills.

    Other than being successful in college, why is time management an important life skill? When you start working a real job at a company like Indium Corporation, time management is vital. There is nobody here to watch over your every move and make sure that you are on track each day. My internship is only 10 weeks long, which flies by during the summer months. With time management on my side, this is proving to be one of my most productive summers yet. Hopefully this has shown you the importance of time management and how it can help you achieve success.

    Thanks for your time,

    Kyle Hochbrueckner