Indium Blog

Not Your Average Internship®

  • 2024 College Interns
  • I always thought of an internship as simply going into the office, completing your work, attending a few meetings, and calling it a day. It never occurred to me that I could experience anything different.

    Being from North Carolina, I am not familiar with Central New York. This summer was the first time I ever set foot in the area. Moving here, I felt a sense of imposter syndrome, unsure if I would be able to fit in, even for just a couple of months. As a newcomer, figuring out what to do in the local community was challenging.

    However, my experience as a Marketing Communications intern at Indium Corporation proved me wrong. I was fortunate to join the best team with the best people (shoutout to MarCom!) From day one, I could feel the impact of my work on the overall team performance—unlike what I expected, I was not running random errands or filling in for tasks that nobody else wanted to do. I was included in every meeting and team training and was encouraged to voice my opinions. I could even choose my primary internship project based on my interests. Whenever I encountered something new and intriguing, my supervisor ensured I had access to the necessary resources and contacts to learn more about it. This exposure to critical aspects of business-to-business (B2B) marketing, such as email marketing, conversion rate optimization, and performance-based reporting, was something I hadn't had exposure to in school, and was exciting to experience in a corporate setting.

    Beyond the inclusive and welcoming environment, I also had opportunities outside of my day-to-day responsibilities to build my network and connect with colleagues and other professionals in the community. One highlight was a recent lunch-and-learn, where our intern class participated in an external networking event with two panels. One panel featured local community professionals from diverse backgrounds, the other including young professionals navigating their post-graduate journeys in the area. Held in a cozy and conversational setting at the Nexus Center in Utica, New York, the event covered relatable questions about career development and volunteer opportunities in Central New York. It was enlightening to learn about professional topics and other aspects of life in the local community, realizing there's much more to life than just working after graduation.

    Reflecting on my initial doubts about fitting in, I am amazed at how much has changed in such a short time. My experience at Indium Corporation was more than just an ordinary internship. It was a journey of stepping out of my comfort zone, a short but sweet one, thanks to the support from my Marcom team and the internship program.