Indium Blog

Trying New Things: Recruitment & Peanut Butter Cookies

  • 2022 College Interns
  • Last week I was introduced to a new area of human resources: recruiting! Indium Corporation hosted a job fair on Wednesday, and I got to attend. I have attended job fairs in the past while at college, but this was a much different dynamic. I am used to seeing around 30 companies at every job fair, each only having one table and maybe two employees working said table.

    As  the host of the job fair, we were the only company present. This brought a unique perspective to the room. There were probably around 15 Indium Corporation employees working, providing a diverse array of personality, experience, and perspective. This gave potential candidates a large look into one company, as opposed to a small look into multiple different companies. What was even better was that on-site interviews were conducted and job offers were made on the spot! I have a feeling these new hires did not expect to get offered a new job at our job fair during their lunch break. It was a really cool experience.

    Moreover, I gained knowledge as to what goes into successfully planning a job fair. It is safe to say that Indium Corporation knocked it out of the park, as we were able to bring in double-digits worth of new team members in just one day! Gaining experience like this so soon into this internship has been very impactful. I have always been a planner whether it is an event, a fundraiser, or something as simple as scheduling what days I’m going to complete all of my different assignments.

    Oh, and the best part (okay, maybe not the BEST part) was trying a peanut butter cookie from Spressos Coffeehouse. I have never been a fan of peanut butter and am typically shocked and distressed when I accidentally bite into something that contains it, but with a little encouragement from my coworkers, Maria and Joy, I have found a liking for peanut butter cookies! 

    Here’s to the next 8 weeks of new experiences!

    Caitlin Miller