Indium Blog

Two Internships for the Price of One

  • 2019 College Interns
  • I like to say that I get to wear two hats for Indium Corporation’s internship program. The hat I wear most of the time is that of the Marketing Communications intern. On a daily basis I am responsible for creating internal announcements, ensuring all employees have signed a photo release form, creating content for the Wellness Committee, and making changes to the department’s internal SharePoint site.

    My main project is ensuring that all employee biographies on the website are current. Many of the biographies haven’t been updated for a couple of years and we want to ensure that their information is accurate. This is especially important if the employee is giving a presentation at a tradeshow or other event.  Another project I am working on is to create a document for first-time supervisors to use when preparing for a new hire. The goal of this document is to make it easier for a new supervisor to understand what they must do before a new hire arrives and what do to after they arrive. Alongside my daily tasks I am learning about tradeshow preparation, the process of creating marketing material, and how to properly run a meeting. Everyone in the department is a great teacher; I learn something new every day!

    My other, much smaller, hat is helping Human Resources. They do not have an intern this year, so I have assumed some of the tasks that past HR interns were responsible for. Each week we have a Lunch and Learn with a speaker and I am responsible for collecting feedback about the presentation. I use a survey to collect the feedback and then organize the data so it’s easy to understand. That way they can make a decision if they would like to give the same presentation again next year. The other HR-related task I do is to help organize the rest of the interns and communicate with Jim, the head of the internship program, any requests to or from the other interns.

    I enjoy having multiple responsibilities! It provides me with experiences I would not normally have with other internships. Gaining experience in two fields at once is something I never expected to get out of an internship!