Indium Blog

APEX Was Pretty Good

  • Indium Corporation

  • Gone are the days of filling FIVE halls PLUS the arena of the Anaheim Convention Center (NEPCON West of old). Today's APEX filled two halls with exhibits, and the Southern California weather filled the streets with runoff (another story completely).

    Still, APEX did have a slight buzz going. People were upbeat and enthused. This in spite of the fact that NOTHING REALLY NEW was unleashed. Yes, product extensions and modifications were unveiled, but nothing rocked us.

    The IPC indicated that pre-event registrations were up slightly from 2004 - and the floors were jammed on Day 1. While the event seemed to smooth out on Day 2, Indium Corporation received the same strong amount of customer visits as Day 1. I am guessing that most every exhibitor shares the same story. Day 3 was just plain poor. It would have been better for everyone if that day was not scheduled (hint for 2006).

    Please tell me what you like seeing at trade shows. How can Indium serve you better at shows? Let me know