I wrote a paper with Mike Bixenman, of Kyzen and Tom
Gervascio of Sypris Electronics on using Six Sigma techniques to optimize cleaning in Class III Electronics that will be presented at SMTAI. If you are at SMTAI, check it out. If you would like a copy of the paper, send me a note. The info on the presntation (given by Mike Bixenman) follows:
Using Six Sigma to De-mystify the Data
Chair: Donald Burr, Boston Scientific
Co-Chair: Rita Mohanty, Ph.D.,
Speedline Technologies
Wednesday, October 10th
10:00am – 11:30am, Osceola 5
Using Six Sigma Techniques to Optimize
Cleaning in Class III Electronics
Mike Bixenman, Kyzen Corporation; Tom
Gervascio, Sypris Electronics; Ron Lasky, Ph.D.,
Indium Corporation of America and
Dartmouth College
Dr. Ron