So I have run into a problem with the phrase "High-Reliability" recently. By that I mean there have been several situations where I said "high-reliability," someone else has too, and then we find out a half hour or 10+ emails later that we aren't really talking about the same thing. So... yes, a problem.
Part of the issue is that despite there being different types of reliability (even in the same industry!) "reliability," by virtually any definition, is a good thing, and "high-reliability" is better. I mentioned the definition in my blog post about Indalloy®292 - an alloy designed to last even under extremely challenging temperature conditions from -40 to +150℃. But you know what? We also have other blog posts about separate products, industries, and topics which all reference "high-reliability"!
High-Reliability Solder Preform Flux Coating for the Telecom Industry says it all in the title.
Switching from High Lead Solders to Eutectic AuSn. Gold-tin is, in many ways, the "gold standard" of high-reliability. This is particularly true for the medical industry where avoiding oxidation can be worth additional cost and processing challenges.
"Drop shock reliability" is a great feature, and Durafuse® LT has that in spades. Still, I might recommend another alloy for a high-temperature thermal cycling application.
We don't need to get started on how much reliability the flux vehicle Indium8.9HF brings to a process - right?
So, what do we do? We need to remind ourselves, our coworkers, industry partners, suppliers, and customers that looking for "high-reliability" is the beginning of a conversation, not the end of one. If you have any questions, our team here at Indium Corporation is here to help find the right solution for your reliability challenge.
PS: Who knew how important language and linguistics were going to be in materials science? Fun fact - the word solder comes from the Latin "solidus" or "solidere," meaning "to make solid".