一直以来,我们都说Indium公司是一家技术领先的公司。看着(和听说以前的一些故事)行业里各个player的起伏,听着金融危机以来一些公司因为各种原因而挣扎/死亡/被兼并的消息,让人越发感觉到一个公司好的核心竞争力和核心价值的重要性……如果Indium有"父亲",那就是在Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee 李宁诚博士带领下的强劲科研团队;如果Indium有"母亲",那就是我们全球在业界享有盛誉的技术服务团队。
Ning-Cheng Lee: Distinguished Author and Distinguished Lecturer
INDIUM CORPORATION's Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee was recently recognized by two highly respected industry organizations as both a Distinguished Author and Distinguished Lecturer.
SMTA International selected Dr. Lee as a Distinguished Author by "Special Invitation from the SMTA International Technical Committee". Ning-Cheng was selected from authors of exceptional papers and "Best of Conference" award recipients from past events. This honor is part of the SMTA's 25th Anniversary celebration.
In addition, the IEEE's Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society (CPMT) appointed Dr. Lee a CPMT Distinguished Lecturer. According to the director for the CPMT Distinguished Lecturer Program, Dr. Lee was nominated and endorsed by several colleagues from the industry. The CPMT Distinguished Lecturer program includes "Fellow Caliber" technologists from all over the world who are available for any CPMT-sponsored venue. The CPMT is the leading international forum for scientists and engineers engaged in the research, design and development of revolutionary advances in microsystems packaging and manufacture.
PS: 李博士是一位十分和蔼可亲的大智者!十分庆幸,平时有机会能找他吃吃饭,打打球,请教他一些做人做事做学问的事,或是吹吹水(哈哈,都是我在吹水,满肚子墨水的李博士经常是稳如泰山,处变不惊啊!)等过段时间回到美国,我采访一下李博士,问问他对目前/以后业界的一些看法/预测,他职业生涯中的一些经历和经验智慧总结,然后再写博文和大家分享吧。Cheers!!
Pic: From Rick Short's Blog