The 2013 IPC APEX Expo , the premiere electronics assembly event, is right around the corner - and our technology experts are ready to share their experience and knowledge on a variety of topics.
Ning-Cheng Lee, PhD, VP of Technology will present a paper on voiding control in mixed solder alloy systems. He will also present on the hot topic of QFN voiding. Dr. Lee is a world-renown soldering expert (EVERYBODY knows Dr. Lee!). In addition to his work at Indium with solders (for 27 years), he is also an expert on polymers, underfills, and adhesives.
Ronald Lasky, PhD, PE, Senior Technologist will be presenting a paper on Material and Process Optimization for Head-In-Pillow Minimization. Dr. Lasky is one of our most popular bloggers, check out his blog! He approaches the world of electronics assembly from some interesting directions, including the exploits of Patty and the Professor. Dr. Lasky will also talk about Applications of Solder Preforms to Improve Reliability, and A Focus on Productivity: Several Case Studies. He has also found some time to teach two professional development courses: An Introduction of DOE, SPC and Weibull Analysis; and Manufacturing for High Yields in Assembly. Another busy man!
Senior Technical Support Engineer, Eric Bastow will be presenting on The Effects of Human Induced Contamination on PCB Assembly Electrical Reliability. Eric has looked at the impact of oil, grease, and hand creams and how they can create reliability issues in small components. Eric provides technical support to our customers by phone and in person.
The APEX Expo will feature over 400 exhibitors and lots of technical sessions. It provides you the opportunity to have face-to-face discussions with many of our materials experts, so bring your soldering challenges and visit us at Booth 1127.