Indium Blog

Selling Your Booth

  • Indium Corporation
  • Solar

  • I’ve been pulling some products together for the InterSolar tradeshow in July, and a thought occurred to me: “these tabbing ribbon kits for solar panel assembly are so interesting, I know someone at the show is going to want one”. If you’ve been in a booth at a tradeshow before it’s probably happened to you too – someone may have asked you for one of your display items, last pieces of literature, or maybe some ancillary equipment that you had at your booth. For argument sake, let’s say it’s the only sample of a hot new product at your booth, and the customer wants to purchase it with cash and walk away with it on the spot. (Equipment guys have been known to frequently sell the equipment they had brought to the show, but they send the machine after the show is over.) So what do you do if someone wants to purchase the item you have on display?   


    A second question from a different perspective: as a customer, how would you feel if the vendor wouldn’t sell that one display item that you’d like to leave the show with?

    By the way: if you're at Intersolar this year, stop by and say 'hi' - and let me know your opinion about the tabbing / bus ribbon kit.

    Authored by previous Indium Application Manager Jim Hisert