Indium Blog

Keeping Beesy

  • 2017 College Interns
  • My past few weeks at Indium Corporation have been jam-packed full of work. I spend most of my days running between the labs, conducting multiple tests at once.  Some days I only get a few minutes at my desk before its time to leave. My average daily steps have already gone up by two thousand steps since starting here!

    When a work day is packed full of tasks, I often find myself looking up at the clock right before the 5PM wondering where the day has gone. When I compare this to the days I spent life guarding in the hot sun, where time inched along, this is a very welcome change. People who are bored at work often don’t enjoy what they’re doing and dread waking up every morning. If I'm going to spend 40 hours a week at work it better be something that I enjoy.  That said, in my opinion, doing work that isn’t enjoyable is better than doing nothing. At least you can feel like you’re actually earning your paycheck.

    One of the greatest examples of a busy worker is the honey bee.  Honey bees fly to about two thousand different flowers in one day. The worker bees work from dawn until dusk, only stopping when it gets too cold or dark out. In fact, the worker bees literally work themselves to death. In the summer a worker bee will only live between 3 to 6 weeks, while in the winter they can live for up to 4 months doing very little work. For their lifetime of efforts (work) they only collect about 1/10th of a teaspoon of honey!  I’m sure some of our bosses would love it if we worked as hard as a honey bee.

    I can only imagine that the rest of my weeks here at Indium Corporation will be very busy, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.  Even though I enjoy working here, the quicker the day is over the better!

    Beekeeper Derek